EM 2006
- EM 06-04 June 21, 2006
- FY 07 Budget Execution Policies and Instructions
Attachment A: Governor’s Budget Execution Policies
Attachment B: Instructions Governing Expenditure Plans and Allotments
- EM 06-03 Sept. 14, 2006
- Revised Policies and Procedures for Salary and Wage Overpayment Recovery
Salary and Wage Overpayment Recovery (Policies and Procedures)
Exhibit A-1: Notification of Salary or Wage Overpayment
Exhibit A-2: Notification of Salary or Wage Overpayment
Exhibit B: Overpayment Worksheet
Exhibit C: Response to Salary or Wage Overpayment Notice
Exhibit D: Delivery Certification for 15 Day Notification Period
Exhibit E: Salary Assignment / Cancellation (SAFORM D-60)
Exhibit F: Salary Assignment / Cancellation (SAFORM D-60)
Access to State Government by Persons with Disabilities
Transparency in Procurement