Administrative Directives
- AD 24-02 Extension of Administrative Directive No. 19-02, Policy and Procedures for Effecting Organizational and Functional Statement Changes
- AD 24-01 Project Labor Agreement for State Construction Projects
- AD 23-02 Emergency Management Preparedness Requirements for Departments
- AD 23-01 Extension of AD 19-02 Policy and Procedures for Effecting Organizational and Functional Statement Changes
- AD 22-01 State Reserve Policy
- AD 20-01 Community-Based Work-Furlough Program for Eligible Women Inmates in the Custody of the Department of Public Safety
- AD 19-03 Enterprise Governance Committee in Support of the Hawai‘i Information Portal and Continued Modernization Efforts
- AD 19-02 Policy and Procedures for Effecting Organizational and Functional Statement Changes
- AD 19-01 Reimbursement of Expert Witness Fees and Other Expenses to Counties
- AD 18-04 Reimbursement of Expert Witness Fees and Other Expenses to Counties
- AD 18-03 Program Governance and Independent Verification and Validation Requirements for Enterprise IT Projects
- AD 18-01 Reimbursement of Expert Witness Fees and Other Expenses to Counties
- AD 17-01 Policy and Procedures for Effecting Organizational and Functional Statement Changes
- AD 16-03 State Reserve Policy
- AD 16-02 State Employment Program for Students
- AD 16-01 eSign (Electronic Signature) Technology
- AD 15-02 Program Governance Requirements for Act 119 and Enterprise Information Technology Projects
- AD 15-01 Emergency Management Preparedness Requirements for Departments
- AD 14-03 Personal Use of Government Vehicles
- AD 14-02 Pursuing a Whole of Society-Whole of Government Approach for a Resilient Hawai’i
- AD 14-01 Enterprise Transformation; Establishment of the Role of Director of Strategic Initiatives; Designation of Strategic Initiative #1
- AD 13-01 Equal Employment Opportunity Program
- AD 12-06 Accessibility to State Government by Persons with Disabilities
- AD 12-01 Department-Directed Leave Policy Statement
- AD 12-02 Travel – Per Diem
- AD 12-03 Salary and Wage Overpayments
- AD 12-04 Authorization of Overtime Work Policy Statement
- AD 12-05 Use of Project Labor Agreements for State Construction Projects FY 2011
- AD 11-02 Cancellation of Administrative Directive No 77-02
- AD 11-01 Personal Use of Government Vehicles
- AD 09-01 Policy and Procedure for the Adoption, Amendment, or Repeal of Administrative Rules
- AD 09-02 Use of the HireNet System for Jobs Resulting from Expenditure of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act ARRA Funds
- AD 08-01 Administrative Time Off for Blood Donations, Blood Testing for Bone Marrow Matches and Organ Donations FY 2008
- AD 08-02 Personal Use of Government Vehicles
- AD 07-01 Foster Parent Leave for Licensed Foster Parents of Abused and Neglected Children FY 2006
- AD 06-01 Energy and Resource Efficiency and Renewable Energy and Resource Development
- AD 03-01 Administrative Time Off for Department Directed Leaves
- AD 01-01 Disclosure of Public Information
- AD 01-02 Policy and Guidelines Regarding Performance Incentives Programs
- AD 00-01 Policy and Procedures on the Issuance of State Bonds