Fm 2001
- FM 01-26 Dec. 20, 2001
- Executive Decisions on FY 03 Supplemental Operating Budget and CIP Lapses
- FM 01-25 Dec 17, 2001
- Executive Decisions on FY 03 Supplemental CIP Budget
- FM 01-24 Dec 7, 2001
- Preparation of FY 03 Supplemental Budget Document
- FM 01-23 Nov. 28, 2001
- Recommendations on FY 03 Supplemental CIP
- FM 01-22 Nov. 21, 2001
- Recommendations on FY 02 Restrictions, FY 03 Reductions, and FY 03 Supplemental Budget
- FM 01-21 Oct. 17, 2001
- Financing Agreement Program as Authorized by Act 200, SLH 01
- FM 01-20 Sept. 25, 2001
- Transmittal of Instructions and Data Collection Sheets for Completion of the FY 01 and FY 02 Variance Report
- FM 01-19 Oct. 9, 2001
- Lapsing of Unrequired Capital Improvement Project Balances
- FM 01-18 Sept. 20, 2001
- Meetings with Mr. Mark Friedman
- FM 01-17 Sept. 14, 2001
- December Performance Budgeting Sessions
- FM 01-16 Sept. 14, 2001
- Negotiation Agreement Approving Central Service Costs and Fringe Benefit Rates for FY 01
- FM 01-15 Sept. 7, 2001
- Update of Revenue Estimates
- FM 01-14 Sept. 5, 2001
- Report on Non-General Fund Information
- FM 01-13 Aug. 16, 2001
- Policies and Guidelines for Fiscal Biennium 2002-03 Supplemental Budget Requests
- FM 01-12 July 5, 2001
- Fringe Benefit Rates for FY 02
- FM 01-11 June 20, 2001
- Update: Investment Pool Participating Accounts
- FM 01-10 June 20, 2001
- Update of Revenue Estimates
- FM 01-08 June 27, 2001
- Assessment of FY 02 Pensions Accumulation and Social Security Costs
- FM 01-07 June 4, 2001
- Auditor’s Draft Report on Special and Revolving Funds
- FM 01-06 May 22, 2001
- Performance Budgeting Meetings
- FM 01-05 March 14, 2001
- Update of Revenue Estimates
- FM 01-04 Feb. 26, 2001
- Prioritization of FB 2002-03 Executive Operating Budget Requests
- FM 01-03 Feb. 7, 2001
- CIP Priority List
- FM 01-02 Jan. 22, 2001
- Distribution of Interest Earned on Investment Pool Earnings
- FM 01-01 Jan. 11, 2001
- Update of Revenue Estimates