EM 2020
EM 20-11 Review of Excess Special and Revolving Fund Balances
EM 20-09 Collective Bargaining Policies and Instructions for FY 20 and FY 21
EM 20-08 FY 21 Budget Execution Policies and Instructions
EM 20-08 Governor’s Approval and List of Bills with Budget Impact
EM 20-07 FB 2021-23 Program Review
EM 20-06 Update on Management of the Coronavirus Relief Fund Award
EM 20-05 Interim Budget Execution Policies and Instructions for FY 21
EM 20-04 Management of the Coronavirus Relief Fund
EM 20-03 Hawaiʻi Economic and Community Navigator, Alan Oshima
EM 20-02 Amendment to Executive Memorandum No. 19-02, FY 20 Budget Execution Polices and Instructions – Additional Restrictions