Department of Budget & Finance (Reports To The Legislature)

Section 5 – Act 164 SLH 2023 Report to the Legislature – BED-HTA to BUF

Administratively Established Accounts and Funds for the Period July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023

Section 5 – Act 164 SLH 2023 Report to the Legislature – AGR-AGS-ATG-BED-DEF-EDN-LNR-UOH

Section 5 – Act 164 SLH 2023 Report to the Legislature – BED-HTDC

Section 5 – Act 164 SLH 2023 Report to the Legislature – BED-HHFDC-UH

Administratively Established Accounts & Funds for American Samoa

Section 5 – Act 164 SLH 2023 Report to the Legislature – LNR

Section 5 – Act 164 SLH 2023 Report to the Legislature – AGR

Report on Non-General Fund Information for Submittal to the 2024 Legislature

Section 5 – Act 164 SLH 2023 Report to the Legislature – PSD

Section 5 – Act 164 SLH 2023 Report to the Legislature – EDN

Section 5 – Act 164 SLH 2023 Report to the Legislature – DEF-MDF

Section 5 – Act 164 SLH 2023 Report to the Legislature – ATG-HCSOC

Section 5 – Act 164 SLH 2023 Report to the Legislature – BED-HTA

Annual Report on Administratively Established Accounts and Funds for the Period July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022

Report on Non-General Fund Information for Submittal to the 2023 Legislature

Act 130, SLH 2012 & Act 88, SLH 2021, Sec. 88, Act 248, SLH 2022, Amended (Non-Facility Per-Pupil Allocation)

Unclaimed Property Search Limited Data Exposure Report to the Legislature August 16, 2022

Annual Report on Administratively Established Accounts and Funds for the Period July 1, 2020 through July 1, 2021

Act 130, SLH 2012 & Act 88, SLH 2021, Sec. 88 (Non-Facility Per-Pupil Allocation)

Report on Non-General Fund Information for Submittal to the 2022 Legislature

Annual Report on Administratively Established Accounts and Funds for the Period July 1, 2019 through July 1, 2020

Act 130, SLH 2012 & Act 5, SLH 2019, Sec. 41, Act 9, SLH 2020, Amended (Non-Facility Per-Pupil Allocation)

Annual Report on Administratively Established Accounts and Funds for the Period July 1, 2018 through July 1, 2019

Act 130, SLH 2012 & Act 5, SLH 2019, Sec. 41 (Non-Facility Per-Pupil Allocation)

Notification to the Legislature (administratively established accounts)

Act 169, SLH 2017 Relating to the Variance Report

Establishment of Working Group to Identify Barriers to Improving the State’s Hiring Processes (SCR22-2018)

Tobacco Arbitration Settlement Funds – Trust Account

Act 130, SLH 2012 & Act 49, SLH 2017, Sec. 95 (Non-Facility Per-Pupil Allocation)

Act 67, SLH 2015, Relating to Budgeting

Section 33 Act 119 Report to 2016 Legislature

Report on the Study of Potential EUTF-ERS Investment Consolidation pursuant to Act 268, Part II, Section 12, SLH 2013

Report to the Legislature Pursuant to Section 29 of Act 134, SLH 2013

Section 30 Act 134 Report to 2015 Legislature

Section 30 Act 134 Report to 2014 Legislature

Act 130, SLH 2012 & Act 134, SLH 2013, Sec. 123 (Non-Facility Per-Pupil Allocation)
Memo to GOV – Final Report 10-02-13
Report of the Sequestration Impact Response Team (Final 9.30.13)
Report to 2013 Leg – Position Abolished per Act 134, SLH 2013
Report on Transfers of Operating Funds to the Department of Budget and Finance pursuant to Sections 96 and 97 of Act 164, SLH 2011
Transmittal Letter to Legislature
Attachment 1
Attachment 2
Attachment 3
Attachment 4
Governor’s Reporting Requirements of Act 162, SLH 2009
Attachment A – Act 162
Attachment B – Act 162
Attachment C – Act 162
Attachment D – Act 162
Attachment E – Act 162
Attachment F – Act 162
Attachment G – Act 162
Attachment H – Act 162
Attachment I – Act 162
Attachment J – Act 162
Reporting Requirements of Act 162, SLH 2009
Reporting Requirements of Act 67, SLH 2009
Governor’s Reporting Requirements of Act 213, SLH 2007, as amended by Act 158, SLH 2008
Attachment A-amended Act 158.pdf
Attachment B-amended Act 158.pdf
Attachment H-amended Act 158.pdf
Attachment C-amended Act 158.pdf
Attachment D-amended Act 158.pdf
Attachment E-amended Act 158.pdf
Attachment F-amended Act 158.pdf
Attachment G-amended Act 158.pdf
Attachment I-amended Act 158.pdf
Reporting Requirements of Act 213, SLH 2007-amended Act 158.pdf
Governors Reporting Requirements of Act 213, SLH 2007
Attachment A.pdf
Attachment B.pdf
Attachment C.pdf
Attachment D.pdf
Attachment E.pdf
Attachment F.pdf
Attachment G.pdf
Attachment H.pdf
Attachment I.pdf
Reporting Requirements of Act 213, SLH 2007
Governors Reporting Requirements of Act 160, SLH 2006.pdf
Attachment Section 114.pdf
Attachment Sections 115 & 116.pdf
Attachment Section 122.pdf
Attachment Section 124.pdf
Attachment Section 131.pdf
Attachment Section 134.pdf
Attachment Section 135.pdf
Attachment Section 164.pdf
Reporting Requirements of Act 160, SLH 2006.pdf
Report on the No Child Left Behind Act required by Section 153 of Act 178, SLH 2005
Reporting Requirements of Act 178, SLH 2005.pdf
Report on Transfers of Operating Funds Between Programs required by Section 134 of Act 178, SLH 2005
Report on Deployed Positions, December 2005 pursuant to Section 164 of Act 178, SLH 2005
Employer Contributions for Health Benefits, Social Security Medicare, and Pension Accumulation for Charter School Employees.pdf
Report on Unauthorized Positions required by Section 167 of Act 178, SLH 2005.pdf
Attachment 2
Amended Report on Unauthorized Positions required by Section 167 of Act 178, SLH 2005 .pdf
Report on Deployed Positions, August 2005 .pdf
Section 145.2 Report per Act 200, SLH 2003 .pdf
Transmittal Letter
Goals and Action Plans pursuant to Act 100, SLH 1999
List of Administratively Established New Account or Fund.pdf
Report on Relating to State Funds per Act 272, SLH 2007